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Antoine Kremer

UMR Biodiversité Gènes & Communautés

Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

Université de Bordeaux

69 Route d’Arcachon   33610 Cestas France

Tel : (33) 5 35 38 53 65    Fax : (33) 5 57 12 28 81


Education & Academic career

1995   Habilitation Degree in Population Genetics - Université de Paris Sud, Orsay, France

1992   PhD Degree in Quantitative Genetics - Université de Paris Sud, Orsay, France

1976   Engineer in Forestry – Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs des Techniques Forestières (ENITEF), Nogent Sur Vernisson, France



Professional Career

2018               Senior Scientist Emeritus at INRAE Bordeaux

2007 - 2018    Distinguished Senior Scientist - INRA Bordeaux

1988 - 2007    Senior Scientist - INRA  Bordeaux

1982 - 1988    Research Fellow – INRA  Bordeaux

1980 - 1981    Visiting Scientist - USDA Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Rhinelander, WI, USA

1977 - 1979    Assistant researcher -  INRA Bordeaux

Professionnal responsabilities

2011 -              Co-director of the Cluster of Excellence COTE 

2003 - 2011     Head of UMR BIOGECO (Joint Research Unit between INRA and University of Bordeaux)

1994 - 2002     Head of the Genetics Laboratory – INRA Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux

1998 - 2001     Coordinator of  Forest Genetics  at the  Forestry Department of INRA

1999 - 2000     Director of the French Institute of Biodiversity - IFB, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris

Membership & Professional activities

2012 - 2016    Member  of the  CISS (“ Council of  Strategic and Scientific Initiatives ») of Genome Quebec

2012 - 2018    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the RPBC (Radiata Pine breeding Company) in New                            Zealand

2007 - 2010    Member of the Advisory Board of the NSF supported project “Genetic Tool Development for the                          Fagaceae”

2006 - 2009    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of TREENOMIX Rearch project supported by Genome                           Canada

2004 - 2009    Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of EFI (European Forest Institute)

1998 - 2001    Chair of EUFORGEN (European Forest Genetic Resources Programme) network “Social                                         Broadleaves”

1994 - 1999    Member of the INRA evaluation committee “Genetics and Selection”

1996               Member of CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research) working group on ‘Criteria and                               indicators for sustainability in Forest management”

1985 - 1991    Chair of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations)  working party “Genetics                          of   Oaks”

Coordination of international research projects

2014 - 2020   PI of the TREEPEACE resrach project, Advanced grant of the ERC (European Research Council)

2010 - 2011   Coordination and Support Action FORESTTRAC  (FP7, # 244096)  “Forest ecosystem genomics                           Research : supporTing Transatlantic Cooperation” (11 partners, 7 countries) supported by the                               European Commission

2006 - 2019  Network of Excellence EVOLTREE  (016322) “Evolution of Trees as drivers of terrestrial biodiversity                        (23 partners, 13 countries) financed by the European Commission up to 2010, and later supported                         by voluntary contributions of  Research institutions and universities

2000 - 2003  Project OAKFLOW (QLRT-1999-30690) “Intra- and interspecific gene flow in oaks as mechanisms                           promoting genetic diversity and adaptive potential” ( 14 partners, 11 countries) financed by the                            European Commission

1996 - 1999  Project FAIROAK (FAIR1 PL95-0297) « Synthetic maps of gene diversity and provenance                                         performance for utilization and conservation of oak genetic resources in Europe » (14 partners, 9                           countries) financed by the European Commission

1991 - 1994  Project (MA2B/0022) “Description of genetic variation in oak populations by means of molecular                           markers and adaptive traits” (7 partners, 4 countries)


Editorial activities

2004 - 2017  Associate editor of Tree Genetics & Genomes

2000 - 2015  Associate editor of Conservation Genetics

1994 - 2003  Member of the editorial board of Forest Genetics

1990 - 1999  Associate editor of Annals of Forest Science

Awards, Academy memberships

2015   Doctor honoris causa Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

2015  Service Achievement Award by the International Oak Society

2015  Concurrent Professor of the  Nanjing  Forestry University (China)

2014  Member of the Spanish  Royal Academy of Engineering

2011  Les Lauriers de l’INRA

2009  Member of the French Academy of Agriculture

2007  Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur

2006  Marcus Wallenberg Prize awarded by the Marcus Wallenberg foundation

2003  European Forest Research Award awarded by the Foundation for European Forest Research (2003, Joennssu, Finland, September 2003).

1995  Scientific Achievement Award awarded by IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations)


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